Your Weekly Dose of Fashion

Yesterday, I went to get a new phone contract and such with unlimited texting, internet on my phone and new number. Pretty excited haha. The guy at the register was sooo attractive. He was cute yes but when he started talking wow, dead LOL. He was clever as can be and the way he talked was fun like he can carry a conversation! My parents were impressed and had fun talking to him, too! Okay, enough about him though. I'm going to work in quite a bit and thought I should blog, I really hate skipping out on my blog. Here is your weekly dose of my fashion:
Probably something I'd wear out to friend parties that involves going somewhere or something and school haha. Now besides the fashion, I really need to go to a craft store like Michael's or Hobby Lobby soon. I'm running out of supplies since I've been experimenting with them for the past few days.  Will post about them and maybe a DIY someday soon (: Oh and later today I'll try posting again so come by again! Hope you guys had a nice week (:


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