How are you guys doing? I had a really busy day yesterday, and I didn't even plan it. It was sort of a "go with the flow" kind of day. I went to Barnes and Noble to dig my head into mangas and Starbucks while babysitting my youngest brother and left after 30 minutes. I bought a cute little book called "Be Happy" and 2 birthday cards for my best friend on Saturday and another in a few weeks. Although the outside of the card doesn't look special, the inside of it is hilarious LOL. My Uncle came to my work place and thought we should have a small party and asked me to come with him to buy 3 pizzas at Little Caesars.
I ate 3 pizzas, omg yum yum yum. It's not a party without pizza. Haha. I went to the asian supermarket and bought some snacks (Every Burger, Red Bean Mochi and Hello Panda), again and bought my little brother this huge pocky box and some Milano cookies. Late at night, I watched "Baby and Me The Movie" and it is sooooooo cute and pretty funny! Totally recommend it. I also spent like an hour looking for new mangas to read online, I can't wait to start them. I really hate ongoing ones sometimes because they're not updated frequently enough D; Michael and I talked on the phone for 4 hours straight last night talking about the weirdest and randomest things. Ah, I miss him! We haven't hung out in a while and the rest of this week will be busy for me... and he has work every other day but Saturday and Saturday is when I won't be free at all. What a paaaaaain LOL. ╥﹏╥
The little book I bought:
It was kind of expensive but I really love it, it's like a tiny book with big inspiration in it (I guess? LOL). I really hope one day I can pass the book down though, even though I only owned it for a day, I really think it made me realize things like don't take lie for granted and such. I know it sounds utterly corny but I don't know how else to word it LOL. Sorry sorry haha. I'm really excited about sharing this book with you guys though c: hehe.
Later today at around 3, I'm going to go shopping with Thac and help him pick out a present for the birthday party on Saturday (*´・v・)
The little book I bought:
Later today at around 3, I'm going to go shopping with Thac and help him pick out a present for the birthday party on Saturday (*´・v・)