Wow, I can't believe its been an entire year (nearly 2 years?!) since my last post.

I have to say I really missed my blog, there were times throughout the years where I would go through my past entries just to reminisce. I also did that just before typing this post actually!
And..... I'm speechless. I went far back as 2012, and looking back so much has changed! Not only from how I wrote but other things too, more personal things but wow I was kind of cringy back than HAHA

I'm fully aware of it being wrong now and I don't want any misconception or misunderstanding about it, so I do apologize if it was offensive or I was appropriating Japanese culture in anyway because I was young and thought having a "Japanese" name was something cool.
So, why did I never make a post? Life, honestly. I got a part time job, I had college to focus on and just overall other things that took priority over my blog >< Blogging is actually pretty time consuming, though it may not look like it. But, even back then I said I could never abandon my blog and I still stay true to that

I don't think I'll come back full throttle though, as that unfortunately seems unlikely :( however I do want to make and find time to blog again, but instead I want to make it more personal (ie less sponsored stuff) and more reviewing things I just feel like reviewing. When I was younger I thought being sponsored items to review was awesome, like free stuff hell yeah!! But as time progressed and I grew older I realize it's not that great, in fact it felt more like a chore. There were some things I didn't feel 100% interested in but I had to review them, and that made me feel like I was just forcing a review to happen and it reflected in the quality of my reviews. (I think I already deleted those poor quality ones though) Not that I wasn't grateful for all the opportunities I had! I'm very grateful for them, it's not often some random person like me can say "oh yeah I was sponsored stuff before" LOL jokes aside, I am very grateful. One of the many things that showed me "less is best". (However if you want to go wild with sponsorships and whatnot by all means u do u!!)
I do have quite a few makeup related things I've been wanting to review and I reallllly hope I can get to it soon!!

Anyways, not sure if anyone really keeps updated on blogspot and such anymore LOL but thats ok!! I'm honestly wanting to start blogging again for myself and, as I mentioned earlier, to just document memories and share a few stuff/drop some bit of knowledge here and there. So if you ever see this, thanks for taking your time to scroll through my once dead blog.

I forgot how I use to organize and categorize my tags.... I wish I could redo all my tags they're so messy!!! 

Labels: life