Incorporate love

The title doesn't have much to do with anything significant in the post lol, it was just something random. 

Although Sunday was a lonely day for, I managed to get what I needed done. I went to the mall and bought the bleach that I needed and bought my favorite drink at my favorite coffee shop. The lady who usually takes me order knew what I wanted and when she asked me what size I wanted, I asked for a small. She goes, "Haha you always get that!" Am I considered a regular now? I hope I am, It never occurred to me that being a "regular" at your favorite coffee shop would be something so fulfilling 

I was also tempted into Bath and Body works, I did the whole buy 3 get 3 free deal (let me tell you, when I told my Dad about the deal he got so happy and said it was an amazing deal LOL) What would have been over 70 dollars became under 40 dollars! What a steal!  I also bought my mom her Mothers Day gift too, I hope she likes it :3 I bought some sushi as a loner, yum I can never get enough of salmon. Oh, I also bought a new dress, which will be at the bottom of the post. Until then, here are some of the BBW products:

I tried the Pink Chiffon one yesterday night and omg I love it. The scent and everything. I seriously think BBW should make some like laundry detergent or something too, I'd definitely buy it. I want my clothes to smell like the lotion and shower gel I use. 
The dress I bought, OOTD maybe? c:
Along with my already owned cardigan! I love this cardigan so much, now it has a new friend!  I adore the dress, I bought it right after trying it LOL I regret not buying this other shirt I tried on which was sheer. I should have bought it though, *regrets regrets* lol. Also the dress print is above, what all the BBW products are laying on.

I redyed my hair earlier today, the pink this time didn't really stay on >_< I'm going to have to dye it another time tomorrow ahh bummmmmer . I want Friday to come by faster, then a whole load of burden will be lifted off my shoulders! :3

Also, I forgot to present the following people in my previous post so here they are now! I'm going to be lenient with this one, since you were supposed to add the banner but its okay, just for this once haha. I'm probably going to have a Blog of The week thing going on, I think that'd be a little easier. I might start that next week :D but anyways!
I'll see you guys next time! I really don't know whats going to be up next, maybe give me some ideas?! 

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